Friday, October 07, 2005

Have a safe journey

So the party is over and am heading back to India today.Not written anything for long 'cause there was nothing unusual or comic happening around here, I got so used to all the surroundings for the past few weeks .... but now when I'll reach back the contrast and differences will get magnified and I know for a few days at least it would be a little odd .

As is the case with all others I too am going back laden with lots of goodies ( mostly e-gadgetry ) got the latest tech gizmo iPOD nano and my very own lappy !!!

Today one lady from in here asked loud and clear in my farewell party if I was married .... aww after a little blush I said no and next she shoots the least expected question in public ... do you have a girl friend ? ..... I was thinking may be she next bumps with the usual question that you get from unknown chat mates from angrez places you meet on yahoo mesngr have you had --- ?? thank god she didn't !!!

bye gotta run run run for India !!!

1 comment:

ken said...

nothing emabarassing actually but just that in a meeting with a client i was not expecting this ... neways.Am back in India and mugging hard for CAT :-).Wish me luck !!